
Raw musings and embodied truths along the way.


Writing is where I first began to untangle my expression. It will always be the dojo where I come to sit in honest and raw reflection of myself, the journey, and the world I want to build.

Take these words as mere perspective. Something to think about that can only be validated through your own lived experience. An invitation to go out and feel these words into existence

The thing about advice behaviour mirror work Jan 14, 2024

How do you write an article about unsolicited advice without it being unsolicited advice? Got to love the irony.

At a recent training there was this listening exercise we had to do in dyads. Taking...

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Yet another article on mirrors mirror work parts work Jan 14, 2024

Mirror work as I have humbly come to understand it is simply seeing life as reflecting back to us parts of ourselves calling for our attention. As above, so below.  Now before I get into...

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Feeling good feels bad embodiment nervous system pleasure trauma Jan 14, 2024

One day I’ll write a sitcom about all the ways we start meditations, yoga, breathwork, and all these pseudo esoteric practices. ‘Take a moment. Settle in. Find your breath. Notice what...

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Meeting FĆ©e, again embodiment womanhood Jan 14, 2024

Fée has long hair, frolics about, is a little sassy, and harbors strong opinions. Her nails are always painted in either hues of red, or hues of beige, comfort in clothing is mandatory, but...

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Why we can't heal without going to the body. behaviour nervous system trauma Jan 14, 2024

Have you ever been filled to the brim with awareness of what to do, but find yourself unable to do it? A desired expression of yourself, unattained or unsustained. Have you ever felt that you...

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Thank you Rick Rubin religion spirituality Jan 14, 2024

I’m an avid lover of simple ways to express seemingly large and abstract things, and so when I read spirituality described as ‘ a way of looking at the world where you’re not...

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